A.I. Warning - Fifty Years Later...
Written By Victor Modlinski
2024 has come and gone.
In 1974, my Computer
Applications teacher at Prosser Vocational High School
in Chicago taught us about the coming revolution in
computers. At that time it did not have a formal name,
but was portrayed in many TV shows and movies as
computers that could think and respond as if they were
Mr. Burns said that by 2024 it would
become evident that a breakthrough in thinking machines would
be revealed to the world. He said in 1974 that it would take another 50 years for
computers to evolve their processing powers to the level
required by this technology. It now ends up that he was spot on
in his vision.
Personally, I am not a fan of
Artificial Intelligence because of the actual substance
of its existense... an imperfect artificial "thinking"
entity created by an equally imperfect human creator.
It has no original
thoughts, no emotions, no empathy, no real knowledge of
anything. It draws its knowledge from what it gleans
from the Internet. It is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
However, it is a technology that is potentially inherently dangerous,
especially if it becomes self aware and becomes
rebellious to its creators.
Some of this is
already evident if you choose to have a conversation
with an A.I. chatbot or in my case, the Copilot add-in
in Microsoft Edge.
In 2024, I decided to try out
a simple conversation with Copilot by asking it whether
or not A.I. conforms to the Three Laws of Robotics as
were written by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in
this was Copilots response:
I was quite startled by the answer I received. A.I.
has no controls or ethics whatsoever guiding the
development of these Artificial Intelligence entities. I
asked it a follow up question, focusing on how anyone
could trust such a source of information that had no
ethics guiding its existense. I received the following
reponse with an abrupt ending as to any further
discussion on the matter:
Since this experience with Copilot, I have
ceased any purposeful interactions with any A.I. enabled systems or
devices. I urge everyone to become aware of these facts
and just not take anything for face value just because
it is "cool" and does things for you without any
thinking on your part. That is the goal here, subjugate
all original thought so that you don't have to think for
So for those of you that can still
think for yourself... Wake Up!
For those of you
who that have had your thought processes
there is no going back. You have already been

You were warned... so now, what do you do?