I was searching around on the Internet looking for a t-shirt design that was very popular at Disco Demolition. I remember them selling for about $5.00 and were made of the cheapest material ever.

I came across this photo on the Internet and it set something off in my memory going back to Disco Demolition night. This was the exact shirt we were all wearing when we went to the game.

I was determined to restore this grahic to its original color and definiton so that a new t-shirt design could possibly be created from it.

It took me several weeks to accomplish by importing the image into a photo editing software. I straightened it out, adjusted the contrast and then edited it pixel by pixel in order to restore it to its original glory. The image below is what resulted from all this hard work.

Image Restored By Victor Modlinski

I started a new search for what I remembered to be the back side graphic of this t-shirt. I have seen videos and still photos of these shirts online and they all had "Disco Sucks" on the back of the shirt. After searching for awhile I was able to find the image below.

I used the same procedures to restore this image to its original color and definition using photo graphics software. Again it took a few weeks in my spare time to edit this down at the pixel level to get the result that I was looking for. I was able to get the result below which I was very happy with.

Image Restored By Victor Modlinski

This is what a new and fully restored version of this t-shirt would look like today...

Design Restored By Victor Modlinski

In 2019, for the 40th Anniversary of Disco Demolition, I created a limited run of the below t-shirt that I distributed to a close group of friends and family. I still have one that I saved for myself... this was truly a very limited edition shirt!

T-Shirt Design By Victor Modlinski