Prism Content Policy
Minnow CSV...
Cool - Short - Videos
Produced By Victor Modlinski.
The Focal Prism has been compiling this
collection of short and quick videos over the last
several years. We have always wanted to create a
showcase for these type of clips, but felt that they
were too short in length or appealed to such a small audience to be
hosted by a larger video
Many of these clips were quickly
recorded at an opportunistic moment that presented
itself... with a very wide range of
subject matter. Other clips were created using modern
alternate post
production technologies such as A.I., to
illustrate the potentials and pitfalls of these emerging
The easy and available access to video
recording devices, especially smartphones, has
really opened up the number of potential opportunities to capture
compelling content almost to infinity. Something cool
can be captured and recorded at a split second... or as
fast as you can pull out your device!
check out some of the quick and compelling moments our
cameras and devices
were able to create. Welcome to Minnow
CSV... Cool - Short - Videos!